Project Risk Management

Identify the risks, threats and opportunities of projects. Create risk records and report systematically on developments to all stakeholders.

Identify and manage project risks

  • Take control of project risks, compare them with consistent metrics and avoid sudden changes
  • Identify and proactively assess project risks and monitor developments systematically in real time
  • Create a comprehensive description of your project’s risk situation, detect threats and plan management mechanisms to avoid them

Comparable data with a consistent risk management process

Project risk management assists in anticipating changes by harmonising the risk management process.
  • Bring project risks to the same platform and create comparable risk records between them
  • Let automation take care of the promotion of risk management measures, engage the entire organisation and assign responsibility for development work and monitor its progress
  • Use historical and log data for risk management of future projects and save time

Incorporate risk management into project work and facilitate evolving risk management work

The project risk management tool makes the risk situation and development of projects visible all at once and supports decision-making.
  • Standardise risk management with deadlines and automatic reminders
  • Adopt the best lessons learned from extensive reporting and graphs, and build a robust risk management model
  • Assess the overall situation and details in real time from automatic log entries, discover bottlenecks and strengths
  • Include a risk management mindset in the core of project work

Ready for more?

Book a demo call with our experts. We can do a short demo, setup a free trial and discuss about your specific needs.