Strategic Risk Management

If you don’t control the risks, they will control you. Decision-making without up-to-date risk data is a game of lottery both in the long and short term. Granite Strategic risk management creates developing business and wise decision-making.

Clear picture of your business risks

  • Identify the risks, threats, and opportunities affecting your strategy
  • Evaluate and compare the effectiveness of different models and make data-driven decisions
  • Make your goals achievable and lead with knowledge

No more strategic blindspots

Strategic risk management turn change into opportunities, helps in forecasting, and enables corrective measures by supporting the business.

  • Create a comparable picture of your strategy’s risk and opportunity situation
  • Bring up-to-date risk information into wise decision-making and management. Take responsibility for actions with a clear follow-up process. Design activities in a purposeful and specific manner

Dynamic process under control

With Granite Strategic Risk Management tool you can easily followup on the process, delegate tasks and ownerships and evaluate the current situation. 

  • Manage the implementation of the strategy in a risk-aware manner, without forgetting the opportunities
  • Identify and tackle strategy bottlenecks and development targets
  • Succeed with a better decision-making framework

Ready for more?

Book a demo call with our experts. We can do a short demo, setup a free trial and discuss about your specific needs.