Work Risk Assessment

Identify and assess work hazards and risks, locate deviations and create safety-enhancing processes. In an agile manner for the entire organisation.

Identify work hazards and risks throughout the organisation

  • Monitor the controlled risk management model, identify deviations and development needs and unexpected changes
  • Identify and assess work hazards, risks and deviations
  • Assign responsibility for risk management and development activities to the right parties and ensure that risks are handled according to the best principles

Uniform occupational safety situation throughout the organisation

Work hazard and risk assessment makes the entire organisation’s risk situation visible and helps to find the right targets for development.
  • Take a strong grip on the development of the organisation’s occupational safety by bringing up the hazards and risks at work
  • Compare data from risk records, learn from the past and near misses
  • Respond to legal requirements and improve occupational safety

Focus on the development of occupational safety and facilitate sustainable risk management work

With the Granite tool developed for assessing work hazards and risks, the organisation’s occupational safety will systematically develop in the desired direction.
  • Make occupational safety development consistent with standard forms, deadlines and automatic reminders
  • Use historical data to foresee future bottlenecks and improve occupational safety
  • Assess the level and situation of occupational safety in real time with automatic log data and reports
  • Bring occupational safety to the heart of operations

Ready for more?

Book a demo call with our experts. We can do a short demo, setup a free trial and discuss about your specific needs.