Support your risk management process

Customised risk management software

Business always involves risks. The risks of each organisation’s operations are unique, but with appropriate tools, the risks can be managed, threats anticipated and opportunities seized. Granite’s risk management tools are easy to tailor to support all operational objectives.

A set of tools that supports your goals and objectives

Comprehensive risk management requires a broad grasp of the objectives of operations and the related threats and opportunities. Selecting a need- and result-oriented set of risk management tools to support operations ensures the availability of the data required for strategy and decision-making. All Granite tools run on the same platform and are adaptable to customer goals and needs, from workflows to risk registers and risk management measures.

Your own risk management process on Granite platform

Result-oriented risk management in a modern business environment requires functions that support a skilled risk management process and practical risk management work. The ready-made models of Granite’s risk management tools for managing risk processes are easy to tailor to the customer’s own risk management program, starting with risk forms, risk assessments and automation.

Seamless deployment throughout the organisation

A successful risk management process requires effective and continuous support from appropriate risk management tools. Granite’s risk tools have been designed with flexible customisation and deployment in mind, so they support the development of risk management maturity in both the long and short term.

Granite ERM Showcase

Sign up for a 15-minute product showcase.

Guide: How to Quick-Start Your Enterprise Risk Management

Download a comprehensive guide to starting risk management.

Get in touch

With Granite, it is easy to create a comprehensive situational picture.

Granite has facilitated the development of risk management work.

With Granite, reporting on risk management is smooth.